Session 1: Update on Progress with the transition to DTT in the region.
Session 2: Challenges towards release of the Digital Dividend in SA.
Session 3: The launch of DTT and re-stacking in Australia.
Session 4: The launch of DTT and re-stacking in the United Kingdom.
Session 5: Managing the transition across the Region: Different transition rates,
frequency plans and interference during the transition.
Session 6: Spectrum and WRC -15: The onslaught on Broadcasting Spectrum.
Session 7: Spectrum and WRC-15: The importance and usage of C-Band for
Satellite services in SADC and South Africa.
Session 8: Spectrum and WRC-15: Future spectrum requirements for
broadcasting and demand for spectrum beyond analogue switch-off.
Session 9: Trends in Broadcasting : SD,HD,UHD, Terrestrial, Satellite, OTT
Session 10:Input and Consensus position: DTT and spectrum matters.